What Is Crafts 4 Hope Foundation, Inc?
Crafts 4 Hope Foundation, Inc is a 501 (c)(3) Through crafting events we will bring joy while meeting needs one event at a time in Cumberland County NJ and online.
Crafts 4 Hope Foundation Inc was founded in the summer of 2024. It was the generosity of my online community along side the community outreach of the Salvation Army Bridgeton Corp that planted the seed by helping me with a hat drive in the winter of 2023 affectionately known as Hope 4 Hats.
Enjoy All The Wonderful News Regarding Crafts 4 Hope Foundation Before Our Next Paper Printed Newsletter |
[ Read ] all about the activities and annoucements that Crafts 4 Hope has to offer before the next printed newsletter. If you would like the newsletter mailed to you, please let us know by contacting us using the form below. |
There Are Many Ways To Support:
Give the gift of joy to those who need it most. $2 gives 1 person the joy of crafting for a 2 hour event. Crafting events are FREE for nonprofits and for those that can not afford to pay for crafts. There are various ways you can give:
Crafts 4 Hope Foundation
Cash App
Check or Money Order
Crafts 4 Hope Foundation
You can find community resources or my newsletter and online crafting events by following me on my facebook page [ here ].
Amazon Wish List
Often time people know how to do a craft but don't have the money for yarn or I may need a craft for an event, you will find this need on my Amazon Wish List [ here ].
Watch Annie's Crafts 4 Hope
This is a fun interactive video channel where I do all my crafting and go live once a week with special guests and interact with all my friend and supporters in my online community.

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Craft Donations and/or Materials Are Always Welcome! Your Talent Is Appreciated!
We will strive to bring hope to a seemingly dire situation through the joy of crafting and through networking, meeting small individual needs on a daily basis. A smile, a hug, a friend, and the ministry of presence, fills a heart with hope in an otherwise hopeless situation - Bringing Joy. Meeting Needs.
To be a beacon of light for the Lord in a dark world to those who are experiencing homelessness, unemplyment, poverty, disability, mental health issues and substance abuse both online and in the community in which I live.
To meet small individual needs by networking and putting out a quarterly newsletter with community resources available and information about Crafts 4 Hope Foundation, Inc updates and in the future, allow others to use the Crafts 4 Hope Logo and all it has to offer to help others in their own communities in which they live across the United States and beyond. - Bringing Joy. Meeting Needs around the world.
Sign Up For Our Quarterly Newletter For Resources & Updates
Crafts 4 Hope Events are FREE for nonprofits and most community events. Would you like Crafts 4 Hope to visit a relative in a nursing home? As a retired nurse, I would love to do so! Would you like a crafting event at your next birthday, wedding, anniversary, church, social or picnic event?
Contact us and we will help you put a smile on someone's face today.
Crafts 4 Hope Foundation, Inc is dedicating to giving a hand up or a hand out to those in need!